Learning Target: Review the steps you must take to secure your college admission and finalize financial aid.
Congratulations on getting accepted into a 4-year college! You have until May 1st to officially accept admission at one college. Below are all the essential steps you need to complete in order to successfully secure your admission and ensure that your financial aid is all set. Not completing key steps can result in not being able to enroll in the fall and losing your admission status.
Completing Verification Steps
If you are selected for verification, you will not receive a financial aid award letter until you submit all required documents. Typical paperwork required for verification includes copies of W2 and the family's TAX TRANSCRIPT., promptly request a TAX TRANSCRIPT and gather any additional required information and send it to FAFSA OR CADAA. When ordering, the following information is required (and must match EXACTLY how it is on the recent Tax Return). Be sure to refer to the most recent taxes (use 2021 taxes for the senior class of 2023) when completing you must enter the exact information:
SSN or Tax Identification Number (ITIN) & Date of Birth
Mailing Address on the latest tax return (exactly as listed)
Comparing Financial Aid Packages
Before accepting admission it is important to sit with your guardians to compare the financial aid packages you have received to make the best decision for you and your family.
Utilize information on your award letter and the college financial aid website to compare - consider utilizing the CEP SAMPLE Financial Aid Comparison
If your financial aid award letter is missing information on the cost of attendance - look on the school website.
Remember that Pell Grants (FAFSA applicants) and Cal Grants (FAFSA and CADAA applicants) will stay the same for similar school systems. In the event that UC Berkeley has not given you your financial aid award letter, use Pell Grant and Cal Grant award amounts from another UC. Similarly, if Cal State East Bay has not given you your financial aid award letter, use Pell Grant and Cal Grant award amounts from another CSU.
If you are commuting to college, remember that you only need to consider student fees/tuition and book expenses. Below is an example of a student commuting to San Jose State University who is eligible for Pell Grants and Cal Grants and will live at home.
In this example the student is living at home, so we will just add up things they absolutely should have enough money for (tuition/fees, books, and supplies). This comes up to $8,939
The student is eligible to receive the full Cal Grant A amount for CSU ($5,742) and the full Pell Grant amount of $6,495. This means that their total aid in FREE money is $12,237.
Sometimes students don’t receive money back and need to take out loans, work, or find scholarship money to make up the difference. While taking out some loans for college is typical, you should compare financial aid packages and highly consider attending a college where you will need fewer loan amounts.
In this example, after paying tuition/fees, books, and supplies, this student will have $3,298 to use towards transportation and other personal needs!

Cal Grant Account
If attending a college in California, you need to tell the California Student Aid Commission which college you will attend so that your Cal Grant money is sent to your college. Below are the steps you must follow:
Get WebGrants for account https://mygrantinfo.csac.ca.gov/
Update School Attending
Need help call (888) CA GRANT (888-294-0153)
Video: Create an Account / Cal Grant FAQ
Student Loans
If you or your guardians are borrowing Direct Loans for college, you must complete Loan Entrance Counseling and sign your Master Promissory Note (MPN) for the money to be released to your school.
Entrance Counseling is a short online lesson that teaches about your loans.
MPN is a legally binding agreement stating you agree to pay back your loans.
Check with the college for details and deadlines.
If you want to change the loan amount, refer to the financial aid office.
AB540 Affidavit “Non-Resident Exemption” Request
If you are undocumented and haven’t already, submitted your AB540 Affidavit to your college, do so now.
While the various post-secondary public systems have generated their own version of the AB 540 affidavit, it is a good idea to download the form from the college in which the student will enroll - below are a few examples:
Review To Do Steps and Messages on Portal
The first thing you should do once you are ready to accept admission is to log into your portal and check the To Do and Messages section.
Read the information carefully and follow instructions with care!
Your goal should be to complete all required enrollment steps as soon as possible!
Submitting Intent to Register
You have until May 1st to officially accept admission to your future college. This is done through your school portal. Some colleges have questions you have to answer to accept admission. Most colleges required an enrollment deposit to be paid by May 1st.
After officially accepting admission, you are able to do the following
Accept the invitation to Summer Bridge:
It is highly recommended that you accept any invitation for a summer experience as it will ensure that you start college on the right step.
This may mean that you move into college a month early, but it is worth it!
Summer bridge experiences will help you get academically ready, will allow you to meet future classmates, and allow you to gain familiarity with the campus and all its services.
Apply for Housing:
Most colleges do not have enough housing for all students that want it!
You should apply for housing and submit the housing application deposit as soon as possible!
Remember that you can control housing costs by the number of roommates you have. While living in a “triple” may be less than ideal, it will save you money!
Register for Orientation and Pay fees:
Most colleges hold required summer orientations for all first‐year students.
Register ASAP, as many orientations happen early in the summer.
If you are committing to a college, it is highly recommended that you select an “overnight’ orientation option as it will give you a better opportunity to meet classmates and learn more about the campus.
Typically you register for your fall semester courses during orientation. Enrolling in earlier orientation dates will make it so you are more likely to enroll in class days/times of your preference. The later you enroll, the increased likelihood that you will be “waitlisted” for classes.
Before attending orientation, be sure to gather all required paperwork and plan for your orientation by identifying a list of questions!
Create your School Email
You should create your college email as soon as you can. Once you do, be sure to check daily and add the email account to your cell phone.
Submit Required Immunizations Records
Colleges have various immunization requirements. Be sure to understand what they are and submit all required paperwork.
Register for Required Placement Exams
Some colleges and/or majors will require you to take a placement exam.
Read the requirements carefully and register as soon as possible.
Additional KEY Enrollment Steps
Reporting Changes to Academic Record
Change of schools, add or drop a course, or fail to earn a C or better in a course, must be communicated directly to your future college asap. It is best to email the admissions office directly (include your full name, date of birth, and application number).
You are responsible for reporting any D or F grades earned in their senior year as soon as possible. Email admissions with your name, Campus ID, and the class that you did not pass, what you did to avoid failing and what you learned.
Register for Spring Open House
These events are different from Orientation but are a great way to learn about the college and all the required enrollment steps.
Share the dates with your guardians as they may want to join you!
CSU Early Start
The CSU’s Early Start Program (ESP) is designed to better prepare students in written communication and mathematics/quantitative reasoning before the fall term of their first year of college, improving students' chances of successful completion of a baccalaureate degree.
The Early Start Program is required for some students who need support in these areas as determined by systemwide placement standards (standardized tests and high school coursework).
Students will participate in the ESP during the summer prior to the start of the fall term and may enroll in the ESP course at any of the CSU campuses.
If you are required to attend Early Start, be sure to follow all the enrollment steps on your portal.
Submit Official Transcripts
You typically have until July 1st to submit an OFFICIAL high school transcript to your future college. If you ever enrolled at a Community College (through dual or concurrent enrollment) you must also submit OFFICIAL college transcripts.
Registering for Courses
Courses fill up quickly, so register as soon as you are able to do so.
Enroll in 13 credits/units per semester/quarter (required for financial aid).
Spring registration occurs a few months into the school year! Be sure to set up a meeting with your academic advisor to make out your spring schedule!
Submit Official Test Scores
If you ever scored a 3 or higher on an AP TEST, you must send your official AP Score Report to your future college.
Visit the College Board to learn how to send scores.
Special Education Services
If you participate in Special Education and have had an INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PLAN (IEP), you are able to continue to receive services while in college.
All colleges have an office that handles these requests. Visit their website (Disabled Student’s Program) to find the required forms and steps necessary to request accommodations.
If you don’t have a copy of your recent IEP or Educational Psychological report, request it from your school or district.
Health Insurance Requirements
Some colleges require health insurance. At UC, you are automatically enrolled in a student health insurance plan HEALTH INSURANCE? If you already have medical insurance, you can waive the UC insurance. If you don’t, you will be charged! You must complete a waiver every year!
Paying your Fall Bill
Students are billed for the portion of direct costs not covered by financial aid.
If you have a bill to pay (financial aid doesn’t cover all your costs), you need to make a plan.
If you will not have the full amount available when the 1st bill is due, sign up for a payment plan (via your portal) that allows you to pay the bill in installments over the term or year. Payment plans typically have no interest and enrollment fees range from $15-200. It is best to sign up before the bill is due. Ensure that the payment plan is realistic and sustainable.
Preparing to Start Classes
Start by downloading the academic calendar for the upcoming school year and identifying key dates such as the moving-in date, 1st payment due date, and 1st day of classes.
Review the packing list of your essentials and documentation.
If you previously opted into a waitlist, you can still say yes to another college.
If you get off the waitlist, and decide to attend the college where you were waitlisted, you must repeat all these steps for your new college. Don’t forget to update your college on WebGrants 4 Students Account
You will likely have to forfeit any deposits paid for the original college.
Next Step For Students
If you decided on your future college and have not completed any of the steps listed in this section, do them now.
Continue checking your portal and your personal and college emails frequently.
Make a copy of the CEP College Transition Checklist and check off all your enrollment steps as you complete them.
Next Steps for Families
Review the essential enrollment steps above with your student and make sure they completed all required steps.
Próximos pasos para las Familias
Revise los pasos esenciales de inscripción anteriores con su hijo/hija y asegúrese de que hayan completado todos los pasos requeridos.