Learning Target: Understand why self and career exploration matter as you think about your future college journey and learn about the resources available to you.
Self Exploration
As you think about and plan for your college journey, it is important to start by thinking about yourself! This is called self-exploration: What motivates you? What are your strengths and interests? What do you like and dislike? What brings you joy? What are you curious about?
Career Exploration
After doing some self-exploration, you can begin to think about careers that match your personality, strengths, and interests. This is called career exploration. Once you have a list of careers to consider, you can explore more about them: What is the average salary? Is the career in high demand? What is the required education level? What are majors (areas of study) suggested for this career?
Major Exploration
For some careers, there are specific majors you should consider. An example is nursing - to become a nurse you should look to major in nursing. Other careers do not require specific majors. An example is a career as a lawyer - to become a lawyer, you can major in anything, after receiving your Bachelor's Degree you must go to Law School and pass tests to be able to practice law. Once you identify careers that you are interested in, take the time to review and learn about majors recommended for that career. This is called major exploration. Read about the types of classes and opportunities you will have access to in this area of study.
College Exploration
When it comes to creating a list of colleges and universities that you will apply to, there are lots of factors you will consider. One of the factors should definitely be around major options. After identifying a few majors you are interested in, be sure to consider the following questions when exploring colleges: Does the college offer my major(s)? Is the major program at the college strong/recognized? What special opportunities does the college have when it comes to this area of study (i.e. internships, research opportunities, ties to industry/jobs)?
The more exploration you do (SELF, CAREER, MAJOR, and COLLEGE), the better prepared you will be to navigate the road to college. This type of exploration can also support the type of courses you take while in high school. For example, if you know that you want to go into the Science, Technology, Engineering, and math (STEM) field and will likely choose a STEM-related major, then during your senior year of high school you should prioritize taking advanced-level math (pre-calculus, calculus, etc.) and advanced level science. College can be a difficult road to navigate. Having a clear career goal will help you stay motivated and focused on the finish line!

Next Step For Students
Create a free account on California Colleges to explore your path to your college and career of choice and build knowledge, skills, and a plan to achieve your dreams! Tools on this site can help you discover your interests and values, and find careers and colleges to reach your goals.
Create a free account on California Career Zone to learn more about who you are and what you are interested in doing! Tools on this site can help you learn which careers are a fit for you and the next steps to pursuing college!
Create a free account on College Board to explore careers, and identify majors for the career, and colleges that offer that major. You can also take a short career quiz.
Explore a collection of videos on hundreds of careers available on Career One Stop.
Next Steps for Families
Encourage your child to create free accounts on the sites above and to complete free self-assessment tools that identify potential careers. Your child should do this multiple times during high school as their interests will expand and change.
Próximos pasos para las familias
Anime a su estudiante a crear cuentas gratuitas en los sitios que siguen y a completar herramientas de autoevaluación gratuitas que identifiquen posibles carreras. Su estudiante debe hacer esto varias veces durante la escuela secundaria, ya que sus intereses se expandirán y cambiarán.