CEP Student Testimonials

Danny M.
As a first generation college student, I believe what Christina Tinsley was able to do in guiding me throughout the process, was crucial to articulating my story, making sure that I didn't miss anything in the application, and subsequently, I was accepted to every UC I applied to...I believe that TAP is absolutely necessary and deserves the support and whatever it takes to be able to continue its service to transfer students.”
I am extremely grateful for being given the opportunity to participate in the NAF @ UC Berkeley Summer program...It was exciting being in person at UC Berkeley and living in the dorms.Christian G., NAF at UC Berkeley

Olinda F.
"My most memorable experience is going to Washington DC with Upward Bound. We toured a university, visited two Smithsonian’s, and ate bomb food. It’s the first time I traveled out of state with the program and it couldn’t have gone better. I love Upward Bound <3"
I really enjoyed all the trips with TRiO-Upward Bound to visit different campuses which helped make my college decision easier!Simah Kikhia, TRiO-UB

Irish F.
"My mom told me about the DCAC/EAOP program. I joined to improve my understanding of the college process to lessen its intimidation. I attended many cohort meetings, and I felt that the one-on-one help with my college essays was the most beneficial to my journey."
The Puente Program has helped me by introducing me to new groups and clubs at my school like Ballet Folklorico. Additionally, it has introduced me to Dual enrollment, which I ended up doing at my local community college.Jessica C., The Puente Project

Trang L.
"As a first generation and low income student, I knew I wanted to use all of the opportunities I had offered to me! Especially since my parents did not graduate high school, I knew DCAC would provide me the assistance and support I needed during my college application process."
The most memorable part of being in EAOP was finding I was accepted into UC Berkeley and one of my EAOP advisers congratulated me. I was happy because it was a journey of stress and doubt but all of my hard work paid off.Genesis G., DCAC & EAOP

Alejandro M.
"There have been several moments throughout the college application process where I was lost. I felt that parts of my applications did not convey my story, aspirations, hardships, and personality, but through the copious level of support from my mentors at the East Bay Consortium, I fostered deep relationships that have helped me in telling my story, aspirations, and values. My time at EBSCC has allowed me to meet amazing people, build confidence in myself, and confidently step forward into the next chapter of my life."
I think the opportunity that the TAP program provides to its students is unmatched, and I really hope this program would continue to be offered for years to come.Previous TAP Student

Robert M.
"My involvement with this EBSCC began at the beginning of senior year. It was through this program that I've discovered some amazing and truly inspiring individuals, such as Nikki and Alex. These amazing individuals led me through the college application process by reading through my essays, discussing colleges, analyzing financial aid and providing endless emotional support. I wouldn't have been able to get here without them and for that, I can't thank them enough."
Puente taught me how to create a family away from home and find my own sense of community.Stacy Guzman, The Puente Project

Jamari H.
"Even after high school graduation, I still plan to keep in touch with the TRIO family because they are one of, if not the main, reasons I am college bound. I can’t wait to see what else the program has to offer, and I hope to one day see more students take up the opportunity to join this program that I like to call a family.”
I learned how to become a leader and how to take ownership of my responsibilities. When I visited Berkeley's campus, I was nervous that I wouldn't make any friends; but when I got there, I realized that I fit in perfectly.Camille M., NAF at UC Berkeley

Sheila M.
"TRiO taught me how to prioritize my education and my future. It has been my home ever since I joined. When all of the staff and students come together to have a good time and learn more about each other, I truly appreciate that I have a family like my TRiO family.”