Planning For College
Planificación Para la Universidad

START by Creating a Parent/Guardian account on
As the State of California's official college and career planning platform, empowers students and guardians by providing a one-stop shop for all the tools needed to set goals for life after high school and make plans to achieve them. College, career, and financial aid planning can be complicated, and parents often have a lot of questions, is here to help guide your family through the process.

Parent Guide on Planning for College
Parents and guardians play an important role in helping teens get ready for life after high school. Resources and tools to help guide you.

Guía para padres sobre la planificación para la universidad
Los padres y tutores juegan un papel importante en ayudar a los adolescentes a prepararse para la vida después de la escuela secundaria. Recursos y herramientas para guiarlo.

College Board Middle School Parent Action Plan
Resource for Parents/Guardians to learn how to support their students plans for college

A Middle School Guardian College Prep Guide
You and your child need to start planning for college no later than middle school. Here are seven steps your child and family should take.