What is ASSIST?
This flier breaks down how ASSIST can help you transfer from a California Community College to a CSU or UC.

ASSIST provides the most accurate and up-to-date information about student transfer in California. This site is essential for California community college students looking to transfer.

General Education & IGETC Requirements
Completing general education and IGETC is the key to transferring to four year institutions. Learn more here.

Associate’s Degree for Transfer (AS-T)
Complete your major preparation and general education requirements at a California community college to get a guaranteed saved spot at participating four-year universities.

UC Transfer Admissions Requirements
Almost one third of UC students are transfers and almost all of them come from California community colleges. Start your transfer journey to a UC here.

UC Transfer Programs
There are a few different ways to transfer into a UC. To make it easier, follow this website with three guided options.

UC Transfer Comprehensive Review
Want to know how the UC campuses determine whether you get into their school? Here you can view the comprehensive review process for transfers to see how campuses make their decisions.

UC Transfer Admission Planner (TAP)
UC TAP is a free online tool to help prospective UC transfer students track and plan their coursework. The tool is designed for use by students transferring from California community colleges, including those students who are seeking a Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) with one of the six participating UC campuses.

UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)
Nothing feels better than getting a guaranteed place at UC. Which is exactly what TAG offers, at any one of six UC campuses. Follow the four steps on this page and secure your UC TAG.

UC Transfer Admit Data
This data provides a profile of each UC campus. You can find the information like average admit GPA and admit rates straight from the source.

CSU Transfer Admissions Requirements
Learn more about transfering to a California State University.

CSU Transfer Planner
Here you can start your Transfer Success Pathway and see the articulation agreement between your community college and your California State University program. If you’re finishing high school in spring 2023 and enrolling in a community college in fall 2023, you can start your transfer pathway now.

CSU Lower Division Transfer
If you have completed 59 or fewer transferable semester units, or 89 or fewer transferable quarter units, by the time you plan to enter a CSU, you are considered a lower-division transfer (LDT) applicant. Learn more about lower division transfer here.

CSU Upper Division Transfer
If you will have at least 60 semester or 90 quarter transferable units completed by the time you enter a CSU, you are considered an upper-division transfer applicant. Learn more about upper division transfer here.

CSU “Golden Four” Completion
CSU campuses require that all admission requirements (Golden 4, units, GPA requirements, supplemental requirements) must be completed by the end of spring for fall admission or by the end of fall for spring admission. Learn more here.

Transfer Success Pathway Dual Admission to the CSU
Students enrolling in a California community college this fall could be eligible for a dual admission program to the California State University. The Transfer Success Pathway (TSP) program is designed to increase access to any of the CSU’s 23 universities. If academic, financial or personal hardships prevented you from attending the CSU in the past, this program could help you earn your degree at the CSU.

HBCU Transfer Guarantee
This program guarantees admission to 39 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Click to learn more.

AICCU Transfer Guide for Privates
This transfer guide can support you in transfering to a private school in California.

Western Undergraduate Exchange
Students who are residents of WICHE states are eligible to request a reduced tuition rate of 150% of resident tuition at participating two- and four-year college programs outside of their home state.

College Interviews
Some colleges require students to partake in an interview before making an admissions decision. Here are some tips for those college interviews.